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Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing


Make no mistake: the most effective selling is done one-to-one, in person. Nothing will ever beat that.  But that also limits you.


How can you replicate the effectiveness of personal one-to-one selling through mass one-to-many media?  The only way is direct mail.


With direct mail, even if the recipient wants to throw it away, it must be looked at for a moment before that decision is made.


And that brief moment gives you an opportunity to capture attention . . . if you use it wisely . . . and if you know the secrets of direct mail persuasion.


Study after study show direct mail gets noticed and is responded to more than any other media. A lot more.


Why? Because your advantages are many:



Face it, with broadcast marketing, a lot of your efforts are wasted reaching people who don’t want what you sell and don’t care about your message. But you can use direct mail to target prospects who – through their previous buying habits – have shown their interest in the types of products and services you offer. Done correctly, direct mail messages are always planted in the fertile ground of a specific marketplace ready, willing, and able to buy what you sell.



You can affordably create unique messages that appeal to specific segments of your market – at the exclusion of everyone else. By identifying the segments who are most likely to be your customers, you can focus your marketing efforts where they have the highest chance of achieving results. And that means you can cut all the marketing fat and wasted dollars of chasing non-buyers. Each slice of your demographic marketplace can receive messages tailored exclusively for them. So you can use the most appealing selling points that will get you the results you want.



Your direct mail can appear to be you writing one letter (or sending one postcard) to one person. Through variable data printing, you can use the recipient’s name throughout the piece. You can change paragraphs, images, selling points, offers, price structures, and other variables to best match your message to each recipient. And you can create rapport with your prospect, just like you can with face-to-face selling. No other media offers this advantage like direct mail can.



Direct mail helps you eliminate the need to compete for the prospect’s attention. Radio and TV have other channels to flip to. Print ads are surrounded by articles and other ads. Email inboxes are crowded with spam. And there are millions of websites just a click away. But when you use all of the advantages of direct mail to YOUR advantage, you attract your prospect (not chase them). That allows them to hone in on your message. It’s you, with a proverbial arm around their shoulder, talking to them one-to-one, just like a friend showing them exactly what they need to get what they want.



The more you involve your prospect with your marketing message, the more time they spend with it, the more commitment they have in the buying process, and that all leads up to closing more sales. Direct mail is a physical object. It’s something new in the mail that day; something to unfold, touch, read, feel, and connect with. You can use colors, sizes, shapes, and textures to give the recipient a tactile experience. And you can enclose actual product samples for the prospect to try, if that fits your selling process. Nothing engages a prospect like direct mail, when it’s done correctly.



Other marketing media can have high up-front costs, and you often have to print or circulate more than you really need, just to get your cost-per-unit down. But with direct mail, you can mail exactly what you have the budget for – whether that’s one letter or one million letters. You can use the results on one mailing to pay for the next mailing. And you can run effective and purposeful direct mail campaigns at a fraction of the cost of broadcast advertising – all while cutting the fat out of your marketing budget.



Radio and TV either hit or miss the broadcast area, print attempts to capture the entire circulation, and the internet competes against a seemingly endless universe. But, just like dipping your toe in hot bath water, you can test a small sample with direct mail. If it’s cold, you can stop right there. If it’s hot, you call roll-out your mailing to more names – achieving even greater results than your sample mailing. You can know exactly who is responding, what they are responding to, and why they are responding. You can affordably test and measure one mailing against another to find the best winners. You can scientifically replicate your successes for even greater wins. This kind of budget safety net is available nowhere else. Direct marketing also allows you to test new markets, review sales results, measure the effectiveness of your sales and advertising tactics, and easily adjust your campaign. Each time you run a direct marketing campaign you can monitor and review the results, using the information to improve the success of your next campaign.



Your competition desires to steal your customers from you. Your best defense is relationship marketing. Direct mail is the best way to implement such a strategy. People want to buy from businesses they know, like, and trust. Your rapport with your customers can be enhanced by a simple birthday or holiday card, a personal invitation to a customer appreciation event, or special customer-only offers. You simply can’t be personal in print or broadcast, and email marketing is getting more and more unwanted and obtrusive. However, studies continue to show that people like getting something in the mail. You can personalize promotions, letters, and offers to create an immediate link with your customer and increase their personal connection to your business.



Studies show the number one reason a customer stops buying from a business (and starts buying from another) is because they felt unappreciated. When you ignore and neglect your current customers, bad things happen. But you can also use direct marketing tactics to re-establish relationships with customers who have left or simply haven't returned to your business in a while. Approaching lapsed customers is a personal way to show your appreciation, rekindle sales, keep your customer records accurate, find out why that specific customer moved on – and what it will take to get them back. It is often easier to get a lost or current customer to buy again than it is to find a new customer. You can lower your customer acquisition costs with direct mail.



Most advertising is one-size-fits-all, make-the-sale-or-go-home marketing. With that approach, you’re better off being lucky than good. But with direct mail, you can send a series of marketing “touchpoints” to your prospects – as many times as you want – keeping yourself on top of their mind. So, when they are finally ready to buy, they’ll think of you and choose you. If you have a billion-dollar marketing budget, you could fly a blimp over a sports stadium . . . and hope someone eventually responds to it. But with direct mail, you can affordable stay in front of a prospect for as long as it takes. Your ROI will be higher with direct mail compared to all other marketing media.


You simply can’t find a business category of any kind where direct mail isn’t being used profitably by successful companies – from A to Z.


Direct mail identifies the best customers, gets more sales from existent customers, matches offers to customers’ buying preferences, and sells them at maximum profit for you and with minimum advertising waste.


Mailed in America will help you test your direct mail, find hyper-productive segments of your market, match them with a custom-crafted personalized message, and acquire customers and increase sales.


It’s time you started thinking differently about your prospects and customers. You can get better results. You can capture more customers who have been resistant to you before. And you can achieve long-term sustainable marketing success.


All with direct mail . . . if you know how.


We know how. And we can share that knowledge with you.


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